Tag Archives: gun violence

The Solution to a Deadly Public Health Crisis Brady | United Against Gun Violence

There is only one thing Brady: United Against Gun Violence (Brady) Chief Development and Engagement Officer Liz Dunning wants you […more…]

Brady United Against Gun Violence Brady United Against Gun Violence

Brady United Against Gun Violence, aka the Brady Center, marks its 50th anniversary since its founding. But the organization that […more…]

End Family Fire: How Safely Storing Guns Saves Lives Brady | United Against Gun Violence

Most people are familiar with the phrase “Friendly Fire” – typically combat-related terminology that refers to the inadvertent shooting of […more…]

Two Upcoming Events for Show Gun Safety in LA Brady | United Against Gun Violence

Check out the details below, and RSVP links for both of Brady’s upcoming events: Join us on Monday, October 23, […more…]

Firearm Suicide Prevention Day is Tuesday, September 12 Brady | United Against Gun Violence

Firearm Suicide Prevention Day, part of Suicide Prevention Month, was created to educate about America’s growing firearm suicide crisis and promote […more…]

End Family Fire: Safe Stories Brady | United Against Gun Violence

A Collection of Stories of People Who Came Close to Gun Suicide Every day in America, 67 parents, siblings, partners […more…]

Statewide Campaign to End Family Fire Influences Firearm Storage Behavior with Encouraging Results Brady | United Against Gun Violence

In 2022, Brady launched a statewide End Family Fire campaign in partnership with the Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) to […more…]

Protect Your Kids, Invest in Brady Brady | United Against Gun Violence

In contemplating the scope and destruction wrought by gun violence, it is understandable to despair. But inaction won’t save your […more…]

Coach Steve Kerr on Why He Fights to Prevent Gun Violence Brady | United Against Gun Violence

Preventing gun violence] is the number one issue for me.” — Coach Steve Kerr Thirty-six years ago, Golden State Warriors […more…]

We Just Launched Our Gun Store Transparency Project Brady | United Against Gun Violence

The largest database of ATF gun store inspection reports ever released to the public, exposing gun stores cited for breaking […more…]

Brady Responds To Remarks By President Biden Brady | United Against Gun Violence

Brady released a new report and a webpage on the “Origin of an Insurrection: How Second Amendment Extremism Led to […more…]

We Can End Gun Violence by Taking Action – Not Sides Brady | United Against Gun Violence

To those who say we can’t reduce gun violence in America, Tony Porter has a response: “Remember when we didn’t […more…]

Building a Bay Area Movement for Social Change Black Citizen

Theo Ellington grew up in San Francisco’s Bayview-Hunters Point Neighborhood in the 1990s and 2000s. Then and now it remains […more…]