Welcome to At The Crossroads, Artavia!

We are very excited to welcome Artavia Berry aboard as At The Crossroads’ new Executive Director.
Artavia joins ATC with over 25 years of experience leading nonprofits. A native of Chicago, she has held leadership positions with Meals on Wheels Chicago, Chicago SCORES, Public Allies Chicago, Building with Books, LaSalle Senior Center, and Christ the King Jesuit High School. Upon arriving in the Bay Area almost a decade ago, Artavia served as CEO of Super Stars Literacy in Oakland where she provided literacy support to students and families.
Artavia currently serves as a Director with Multiplying Good, helping to elevate non-profit leaders throughout the Bay Area through the KPIX Jefferson Awards and as Chair of the Hayward Community Service Commission where she helps distribute $1.5M annually for community safety nets and helps to shape public policy related to anti-racism, racial equity, re-imagining policing, housing for all, food security, business development and culturally relevant education for BIPOC youth. Artavia holds a BA in Sociology from Loyola University Chicago, a BA in Theology and a Master of Divinity from Grace Christian Seminary.
A letter from Artavia:
In my first month of being ATC’s Executive Director, I’ve been reflecting on the importance of the feeling of belonging. Having a sense of belonging is critical.
Consider the groups we belong to: we’re members of families, we’re fans of sporting teams (Go DUBS!) and we rep our cities with pride (anybody reading this “Hella Bay?!).
According to Mayo Clinic, “Nearly every aspect of our lives is organized around belonging to something. The sense of belonging is fundamental to the way humankind organizes itself.” But even with its proven importance, our region’s efforts to support people experiencing homelessness often miss the importance of centering belonging in our solutions.
That’s why one of my first big decisions at ATC is this: to help foster a sense of belonging, for our clients and for everyone in the Bay Area. Over the next month, our goal is to build a community of donors 200-strong to raise support for our inaugural “We All Belong Block Party” coming to a block near you this fall.
I’d love to grow our community of donors so together we can throw the biggest celebration of belonging in the history of San Francisco!
A community of supporters 200-strong starts with just a few people—including you. Whether it’s an investment of $5 or $5,000—there is power in our collective giving, of all sizes. 100% of your gift will go towards building a stronger community of support and belonging for our most vulnerable neighbors.
Over the course of this month, we’ll be actively engaging you and our community to reflect on the importance of feeling belonging in our lives and our neighborhoods, and the kinds of much-needed transformation we can bring about together.
Artavia B. Berry
At the Crossroads
Donate now!www.atthecrossroads.org
(415) 487-0691 x101
Executive Director: Artavia Berry
At The Crossroads reaches out to homeless youth and young adults at their point of need, and works with them to build healthy and fulfilling lives. By bringing our services directly onto the streets, we cultivate long-term, unconditional relationships with young people who would otherwise be disconnected from consistent support.
We empower our clients to accomplish their individual goals, build community, pursue their passions, and find their own paths to happiness and stability. We believe that there are no limits to what our clients can achieve, and that everyone deserves the chance to build an outstanding life.
Begin to Build a Relationship
We know you care about where your money goes and how it is used. Connect with this organization’s leadership in order to begin to build this important relationship. Your email will be sent directly to this organization’s Director of Development and/or Executive Director.
“The Five Bridges Foundation provides financial and consultative support to nonprofit organizations in the Bay Area who have a core mission of supporting TAY youth. We have partnered with ATC for over a decade as they have shown their unwavering commitment to helping the most vulnerable and at-risk segment of this population. Their commitment to meeting their clients ‘where they are’ and to truly cultivating personal connections that let the individuals know they are heard, valued, and have an advocate in their corner is, we believe, the first and most crucial step towards positive outcomes. We are excited and proud to continue our partnership in the years to come.”
Help Young People Find Housing — And Thrive in Life!
To celebrate their 25th anniversary, At The Crossroads is raising $25,000! This support will be earmarked for new client centered solutions and to expand to new outreach routes.
ATC clients shared their own ideas and solutions for homelessness during a special focus group this year. With your support, ATC will pilot two of their ideas in 2023, further centering client voices in their work.
As they walked their traditional routes, ATC Outreach Counselors noticed the pandemic displaced many people into different areas of the city. With your support, in 2023 ATC will explore and expand to new outreach routes.
Due to the many obstacles that come along with government funding, ATC focuses primarily on donors like you to support their unique approach. In fact, only 6% of their $1.2M budget comes from the government. This allows them to keep their services individualized and client centered; and also allows them to focus on partnering with community members like you to solve homelessness with compassion.
Your support this year will help build a Bay Area where our unhoused neighbors have the support they need to thrive.
Key Supporters
Charlotte Johnson
Whitney Wineroth
Hai Truong
The Moca Foundation
Five Bridges Foundation
Matthews Asia
Bella Vista Foundation
Hellman Foundation
Full Circle Fund
Illinois No. 3 Foundation