Tag Archives: East Bay Community Foundation

From Idea to Impact: The Bay is a Community Foundation Powerhouse

Great ideas always start with someone. In the case of Community Foundations, which now hold more than 10% of all philanthropic funds in America, it was a Cleveland man named Frederick Harris Goff. Having worked as a litigator for John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil in the early 1900s, and as president of the Cleveland Trust Company, Goff was no stranger to wealth. He also advised families on estate planning and became increasingly concerned about what happened to those estates when the causes they were dedicated to no longer matched the needs of the community. “How fine it would be,” [...more...]

Lifting up the Region that Gave Her So Much Lifting up the Region that Gave Her So Much

Nicole Taylor’s passion for “power-building” and lifting up those living on the margins has its inspirational roots 350 miles south […more…]

On a Mission to Change the Energy of Money On a Mission to Change the Energy of Money

While a UCLA undergrad, Valerie Red-Horse Mohl dreamed of being a filmmaker.  But Red-Horse Mohl needed a day job, and […more…]

Collectively Moving the Needle East Bay Community Foundation

Founded in 1928, East Bay Community Foundation (EBCF) partners with an active network of donors, local government funds, institutions, and […more…]

Investing With an Eye Toward Equity Investing With an Eye Toward Equity

As president and CEO of the East Bay Community Foundation (EBCF), James W. Head has steered the nearly 100-year-old institution […more…]