SFYS @ School: Free Recess, Lunch or After School Soccer

All kids deserve the ability to play soccer. The mission of San Francisco Youth Soccer is to support youth soccer and leadership through sport. We understand that successful youth sports requires a solid foundation, with a connected community and effective network of integrated programming.
SFYS @ School is a free lunch and/or after school soccer program, fully subsidized by donors and staffed by paid coaches from partner soccer clubs and SFYS Jr. Coaches. The school partnerships align a common goal of engaging the youth in healthy activity and competition. We take pick-up soccer to school yards during lunch and after school hours to provide a structured activity solution, and to help children experience the game in a fun and safe environment. Any child at school can play, can watch, can cheer, but importantly can enjoy the fun that the game provides.
The program has two objectives:
- Address the need and desire for structured activity at school during recess and lunch
- Deliver on the SFYS mission for supporting soccer in San Francisco.
The long term program goals are to provide more access to the sport for youth, more coaching experience for coaches across the city, to get more players into teams in the SFYS divisions, and create a self-funded program that directly supports soccer and community.
Our program is working!
Video Testimonial from West Portal Elementary School Principal, Henry Wong:
“… It is such a great, great program that [SFYS has] to teach the kids how to play soccer, how to be good teammates and how to work together – so keep up the good work and want to see you all in more schools!”
Motivation: “I started playing soccer when I was 12 and it ended up being a life’s work of 30 years because of an after school program I joined.” – former USWNT Goalkeeper Brianna Scurry
Context: “Playing soccer is great, but too many at an early age focus on just the game and not the outcomes. Health, activity that raises the heart rate, friendships, learning to win and lose, perseverance, teamwork and most of all enjoyment are all important lessons which are the real outcomes of a child participating in high-quality soccer programming.” – David Batch, Chief Executive of Premier Education Group
Your support is needed! After a recent announcement, SFYS received 16 new applications for school soccer in the new year. By donating to our SFYS @ School fund, you can ensure all kids have the chance to play soccer, build confidence, and develop leadership skills.
Your donation will provide the necessary support for SFYS to pay coaches, and provide the equipment needed for an awesome time at each school.
With a $100 gift, you can support:
- 2 school soccer sessions
- 40+ students each session
Learn More about the SFYS @ School Program and how to bring it to your school here.

San Francisco Youth Soccer
Donate now!community.sfyouthsoccer.com
Executive Director: Scotty Kober
(415) 504-8132
Director of Coaching & Programs: Lee Dunne
(415) 572-9623
To support youth soccer and leadership through sport.
Begin to Build a Relationship
We know you care about where your money goes and how it is used. Connect with this organization’s leadership in order to begin to build this important relationship. Your email will be sent directly to this organization’s Director of Development and/or Executive Director.
I’ve been a soccer parent, a STAR, a team manager, and a coach. SFYS has been more than just a game coordination organization, and I’ve really appreciated all of your efforts towards building up grassroots soccer in the city. The coaching resources, the STAR program, and the focus on sportsmanship and development are just some of the things that come to mind.
SFYS @ School Access to Sport for All Youth
The San Francisco Youth Soccer SFYS @ School Program needs your financial support to expand its current reach to additional schools in the San Francisco area. Your donations will allow their program to send coaches to more elementary schools during lunch, recess, and after school, allowing students who may not otherwise be able to play soccer to engage in pick-up games.
This innovative approach to making soccer available to all children allows kids to play soccer with their friends in a familiar space. There are no tryouts and no driving to get to a field. It’s inclusive sports at its best.
While the program is free to the schools, it requires funding to pay the coaches. $1,000 provides 20 hours/a semester of enriching, emboldening soccer play within a San Francisco school. More than 60 local elementary and middle school teams participate in SF Youth Soccer leagues. Please consider supporting their efforts to extend that community off the pitch and onto the playground!
Key Supporters
The Spaan-Woodruff Family
The Ghali Family
The Bronson Family
The Sewell Family
The Danison Family
The Kwan Family
The Fritz Family
The Colella Family
The Blessing Family
Sandy Choi
Loretta Choy
Sylviane Francou
San Francisco Orthodontics
John and Rosemarie Shield