Access to Diapers Should be a Right, Not a Privilege

The San Francisco Bay Area is an exceptional place to live and raise a family. But it shouldn’t be just for families who can afford it.
“With inflation and high gas prices, increasingly more struggling families can’t afford diapers for their babies,” says Lisa Truong, executive director and founder of Help a Mother Out. “There seems to be a huge disconnect as the income divide is wider than ever.”

Help a Mother Out has been a lifeline for financially strapped families who are forced to choose between buying food, filling their cars with gas, or something as essential as buying diapers for their babies.
Diapers cost upwards of $100 a month and aren’t covered by most public assistance programs. If a family can’t afford diapers, a baby may spend extended periods of time in a soiled or even a re-used diaper, leading to serious health problems. Most childcare programs require a clean supply of diapers. That means families have to take time off work to provide childcare, impacting a family’s ability to become financially self-sufficient.
Truong founded Help a Mother Out (HAMO) in 2009, in the wake of the Great Recession, to help mothers who had fallen on hard times gain access to as many diapers as they needed. Today, across all programs in the Bay Area metropolitan region, HAMO serves over 6,000 families with diaper-age babies and toddlers every month.
Since the pandemic, HAMO has expanded from distributing diapers to providing additional essentials like baby formula, baby wipes, soap, lotion, hand sanitizer, and feminine hygiene products. HAMO is also expanding its San Francisco Diaper Bank to include families on Medi-Cal. Founded in 2015, the SF Diaper Bank is a partnership with the city of San Francisco, and is the nation’s first publicly funded diaper bank. Additionally, HAMO has developed a grassroots advocacy arm, which successfully helped to push the state to include, in its 2022 budget, a $30 million investment over three years to expand diaper banks statewide.
“This movement to expand access to diapers grows each year and is inspiring more people, municipalities, and communities to figure out ways to provide equitable access to diapers for families in need,” Truong says.
Help a Mother Out
Donate now!
Founder and Executive Director: Lisa Truong
(415) 508-3710
Help a Mother Out® works to improve baby and family well being by increasing access to diapers for families in need.
A family’s access to a reliable supply of clean diapers reduces the risk of infectious disease outbreaks, improves baby’s health and comfort, and enables baby’s participation in early care and education programs. Our vision is a day when every baby has a healthy supply of diapers.
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I was SHOCKED to learn that federal assistance programs do not cover diapers. When I heard that Help a Mother Out provides a reliable supply of diapers to Bay Area families in need, I knew I needed to help. I have been a donor and a member of the Board for several years now, and my passion for their important work with babies and families only continues to grow.
Together, We Can Ensure Families in Need Have Diapers $50,000 Match Challenge
State budget cuts have jeopardized access to diapers for thousands of Bay Area families. Without diapers, children’s health is at risk, they cannot attend nursery school or daycare, and parents cannot pursue full-time employment. But with donor support, Help a Mother Out (HAMO) can continue to provide diapers to the Bay Area – keeping babies healthy and supporting family financial security.
Just $60 in donations can keep a baby clean and dry for an entire month. And as part of their year-end campaign, HAMO is running a $50,000 donation match program supported by dedicated donors Betsy and Peter Chung. Donate today to double your impact and help end diaper need.
Key Supporters
HAMO Board
of Directors:
Annie Bercovich Myers
Ashley Martin-Golis
Caroline O’Connor
Claudia Cesena
Denise Bethel
Meghan Crowell
Mitra Rezvan
Swati Pande